Puttify Disc Golf App
Opslået af Oliver Simonsen den
Disc Golf Putting Practice Mobile App.
Have fun while improving your putting game.
Puttify lets you train your disc golf putting from different distances, while keeping track of your progress. Requires a discgolf basket and 5 putters. Play 1-10 players from distances 5-10 meters. Play 5, 10 or 20 rounds.
- Preparation: Mark up distances 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 meters from the basket. Pick 5 preferably similar putters.
- Start game: Tap "New game". Choose the number of rounds to play: 5, 10 or 20. Choose at least one player and up to 10 players by clicking on the marker next to the player name. Tap "Start game" Once a game is started the players will be listed in the order that they were marked.
- Playing the game. You always throw all 5 discs from the same distance and you always start at 10 meters. Depending on how many successful throws you manage to make, the app will tell you which distance to throw from next time its your turn as well as counting your score. If you miss all throws you go to 5 meters next time. If you make 1 successful throw you go to 6 meters. If you make 2 successful throws you go to 7 meters. And so forth...
- Scoring. Points are given for every successful throw matching the number of meters you throw from. Every successful 5 meter throw yields 5 points. Every successful 6 meter throw yields 6 points. And so forth...
- Winning. Once all rounds have been played the player with most points will be the winner. Remember to save the scores if you wish to track your progress.
- Basic stats. Tap a Player name to go to the basic stats screen. Here you can see how many games have been played as well as hitting percentages from all distances. View both average, best and last game. You can swipe left and right to switch player.
- Progress graph. If you click the graph icon on the basic stats screen, you are taken to the graph section, where you can see a graph with hitting percentages for all games. Each distance (5-10 meters) can be toggled (enabled/disabled) individually. If you click a point on the graph the scores for that particular game will be shown. Drag left and right on the graph to scroll the view. Swipe left and right on the player name to switch player. You can toggle the number of rounds to display (5, 10 or 20). If you do not wish rounds where no disc have been thrown for a specific distance to show as 0% on the graph, you can choose to view the last percentage from that distance instead. Have fun while improving!
Apple App Store on iOS Click Here
Google Play Store on Android Click Here
All the credit goes to the app creater Klaus Jensen Jaatog from Denmark.
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- Tags: Disc Golf App, How to, Puttify